Guides for installation and assembly of the LulzBot line of products made by FAME 3D LLC.
Instructions for the assembly of the LulzBot Mini 2 Desktop 3D Printer
Instructions for assembling the left Z-Axis Sub-Assembly for LulzBot Mini 2.
Instructions for assembling the LulzBot SE tool head.
Instructions for assembling the Z-Axis Right Sub-Assembly for LulzBot Mini 2.
Instructions for assembling the bed plate for LulzBot Mini 2.
Instructions for assembling the frame for LulzBot Mini 2.
Instructions for final mechanical assembly of the LulzBot Mini 2 3D Printer.
Instructions for assembly of the LulzBot Mini 2 LCD Controller AS-EL0002
Instructions for assembling the Electronics Case for LulzBot Mini 2.
Instructions for final electrical assembly of the LulzBot Mini 2 3D Printer.
Instructions for preparing the LulzBot Mini 2 for calibration.
Instructions for calibration of the LulzBot Mini 2 3D Printer.
Instructions for using the Gates 508C Sonic Tension Meter to measure belt tensions on LulzBot Mini 2
Instructions for packaging the LulzBot Mini 2 3D Printer.
Instructions on how to build some of the sub-assemblies for LulzBot Mini 2.
Instructions for assembling the Premium Tool Kit
Post-processing instructions for LulzBot Mini 2 and Bio printed parts prior to install of linear bushings.
Instructions for running the Hipot tester for the LulzBot Mini 2 desktop 3D printer.
Contains links to GitLab for other LulzBot Mini 2 documentation and instructions.