Guides for installation and assembly of the LulzBot line of products made by FAME 3D LLC.
1x- [EL-MT0068] NEMA 17 Stepper Motor
1x- [EL-MT0084] LDO Gear Ratio Motor 5:1
1x- [EL-SW0022] Switch Basic 3A 125V
1x- [HD-BL0037] 6mm Wide Belt 1600 mm
2x- [HD-BT0007] M3x20 SHCS, Black-Oxide
4x- [HD-BT0012] M3 Set Screw, Black-Oxide
2x- [HD-BT0107] M2x10 SHCS, Black-Oxide
4x- [HD-BT0116] M3x10 FHCS, Black-Oxide
16x- [HD-BT0148] M3x10 BHCS, Black-Oxide
1x- [HD-BT0151] M5x20 SHCS, Black-Oxide
1x- [HD-BT0158] M5x12 BHCS, Black-Oxide
2x- [HD-MS0033] GT2 16 Teeth Timing Pulley
4x- [HD-MS0411] Premium Two Side Rubber Sealed Bearing
2x- [HD-NT0001] M3 Locknut
2x- [HD-RD0080] 10mm Smooth Rod SST 705mm
2x- [HD-WA0012] M2 Washer
18x- [HD-WA0038] M3 Washer
1x- [HD-WA0040] M5 Washer
1x- [PP-FP0156] Z Upper Top Plate
1x- [PP-GP0358] Z Upper Left Pro/WE
1x- [PP-GP0372] X Motor Chain Mount
1x- [PP-GP0482] X Motor Pro
1x- [PP-GP0689] Z Axis Belt Clamp Pro XT
1x- [PP-GP0697] Z Lower Left Pro/WE
1x- [PP-MP0225] YZ Idler Pro/WE
Place 1x LDO geared stepper motor [EL-MT0084] inside the Z lower left motor jig, then slide 1x 16 teeth timing pulley [HD-MS0033] on the motor shaft making sure one of the set screws on the pulley is aligned with the flat side of the motor shaft.
While pushing down on the timing pulley torque the set screws to 3 in*lb.
Using the bearing punch and 1x rubber sealed bearing [HD-MS0411] and Z lower left [PP-GP0697] press the bearing into the Z lower left.
Then align the motor with the Z lower left so that the connector is on the opposite side as the smooth rod holes.
Use the sample belt to cut 1600mm of the 6mm belt [HD-BL0037].
Before fully sliding the motor into the Z lower left, loop and feed the belt through the hole between the two smooth rod holes and loop it around the timing pulley.
Then push the motor so that the shaft goes through the bearing while making sure the connector is on the opposite side of the smooth rod holes.
Once the motor is placed inside the Z lower left secure using 4x M3x10 BHCS [HD-BT0148] with M3 washers [HD-WA0038].
Place 1x NEMA 17 stepper motor [EL-MT0068] inside the Z lower left motor jig, then slide 1x 16 teeth timing pulley [HD-MS0033] on the motor shaft making sure one of the set screws on the pulley is aligned with the flat side of the motor shaft.
While pushing down on the timing pulley torque the set screws to 3 in*lb.
Place 2x M3 lock nuts [HD-NT0001] inside the two nut traps in the X motor. Then using 2x M3x20 SHCS [HD-BT0007] with washers [HD-WA0038] secure the lock nuts. Make sure to leave screws loose.
Then thread 2x M3 set screws [HD-BT0012] into the two brass inserts on the left and right side of the motor mount.
Attach the motor with timing pulley to the X motor using 3x M3x10 BHCS [HD-BT0148] with washers [HD-WA0038]. Make sure the motor connector is by the two brass inserts.
Using the bearing punch and 1x rubber sealed bearing [HD-MS0411] and X motor chain mount [PP-GP0372] press the bearing into the X motor chain mount.
Then attach X motor chain mount to the X motor using 4x M3x10 BHCS [HD-BT0148] with M3 washers [HD-WA0038].
Take the Z upper left [PP-GP0358] and place it on the Z upper top plate [PP-FP0156] making sure the square hole aligns with the three holes in the Z upper top plate.
While holding the two parts together flip them over so that the Z upper top plate is on top, then secure them together using 4x M3x10 FHCS [HD-BT0116].
Now take the switch [EL-MS0022] and place it on the table as shown in [reference#1] then take the base of the switch and bend it upwards so the tabs are bent to 90 degrees.
Verify that the button is on the left side when the tabs are on the top and pointing up. If the button is on the right bend the tabs the other way.
Now slide 2x M2x10 SHCS [HD-BT0107] with M2 washers [HD-WA0012] through the side of the switch that the tabs pointing.
Then fasten the switch to the Z upper left.
Use the reaming tool to ream out the two smooth rod holes in the Z lower left.
Then slide 1x 10mm smooth rod 705mm [HD-RD0080] into one of the holes and repeat for the other hole.
Then slide the X motor mount assembly onto the two smooth rods, make sure the X motor chain is facing up and is on the top side with the Z lower left to your right.
Now take the Z upper left assembly and slide it onto the smooth rods. make sure the flat side is resting on the table.
With the Z lower left and Z upper left resting on their flat sides run the belt under the X motor mount with the teeth facing up.
Now use 1x YZ idler [PP-MP0225], 1x M5x20 SHCS [HD-BT0151] and 2x rubber sealed bearings [HD-MS0411] to assemble the YZ idler.
Then take the YZ idler and place it on the table with bolt head facing up and feed the belt around the bearings making sure to start on the right side.
Then pull the YZ idler up to the Z upper top plate and attach it using 1x M5x12 BHCS [HD-BT0158] with a M3 washer [HD-WA0040].
Pull both ends of the belt back to the X motor mount and slide the Z axis belt clamp [PP-GP0689] over the ends of the belt aligning it with the X motor mount.
Then use 2x M3x10 BHCS [HD-BT0148] with M3 washers [HD-WA0038] and secure one end of the belt to the X motor mount.
Now pull on the other end of the belt to tighten it, if the belt is not getting tighter loosen the two screws.
Once the belt is tight use 2x M3x10 BHCS [HD-BT0148] with M3 washers [HD-WA0038] to secure the other end of the belt to the X motor mount. If you had to loosen the first two screw tighten them.