Project Dashboard Hot End & Tool Head Assembly TAZ 6 Extruder assembly Workflow

1 Prepare shared product Sub-assemblies

Utilize OHAI for Hexagon Hot End to build a .50mm Hot End Assembly v2, for single

Parts to use:

1x- (PP-GP0208) Extruder Mount TAZ6

1x- (AS-HE0039) Gunnison Hotend assembly

1x- (PP-GP0186) Extruder body assembly

1x- (PP-MP0156) MOARstuder Mount Plate

2x- (HD-BT0039) M3x 12 SHCS

2x- M3 nut SS

1 each of 3 extruder cable assemblies (see next step for instructions)

Utilize OHAI for Extruder Body sub-assembly to build a Extruder Body assembly (Herringbone gears will be Green).

Extruder Body, Green Herringbones, Moon's Nema 17 Motor

2 TAZ6 Extruder Cables

TAZ6 wire/ cable assemblies used by the TAZ6 single extruder

EL-HR0095 TAZ 6 Extruder Fan Harness is a standalone harness required to assemble an extruder

TAZ6_Extruder_Pin_Assignments drawing shows the wiring required in addition to EL-HR0096 & EL-HR0095 assemblies to complete wiring a TAZ 6 extruder


3 Attach Hot End Assembly and wires to Extruder Mount

Attach the Hot End Assembly to the TAZ6 Extruder Mount

Connect the Hot End ground wire (220mm long) to the hot end. Route the ground wire behind the hot end, Plug ground wire into the 16pin connector that is attached to the motor at position 14. Use: 1x- 4-40 BHCS SS 1x- 4-40 star washer

Connect the Heater Cartridge and Thermistor to the 16 pin connector attached to the motor (Heater wires to positions 5 & 6; Thermistor black wire to position 16, red wire to position 15)

Connect ground wire to heater block and route wires as shown
Wiring connection positions

4 Attach an ducts and fans to extruder mount

Attach X end stop switch to the Fan Duct, RIGHT (PP-GP0212). Note the Orientation of the switch, this is critical. Tighten screws to 3 in-lbs (~.35N-m) Use: 2x- M2 x 6 SHCS 2x- M2 SS washer

Prepare the heat sink fan and attach to the Hot End Heat Sink fan duct (PP-GP0232 ) with inserts already installed. Note orientation of fan. Use: 4x- M3x 12 SHCS tighten to 8 in-lbs (~.9N-m)

Attach the Left (PP-GP0211) and Right (PP-GP0212) fan ducts to the Extruder Mount TAZ6 Use: 2x- M3 x 12 FHS (for each duct), tighten to 8 in-lbs (~.9 N-m)

Prepare the Hotend dual fan sub-assembly Layout the assembly in front of the Extruder with the fan that has the longest wire cut length to the left of the extruder and the shortest to the right side of the extruder.

Attach the long fan to the Duct, Left. Note Orientation of the wires exiting the fan. Use: 2x- M3x 12 SHCS; tighten to 8 in-lbs (~.9 N-m)

Attach the short fan to the Duct, Right. Note Orientation of the wires exiting the fan. Use: 2x- M3x 12 SHCS; tighten to 8 in-lbs (~.9 N-m)

X switch mounted to Right Duct
Install fan onto Heat sink duct
Attach Extruder Left Duct
Attach Extruder Right Duct
Lay out the Dual Fan harness with the short fan wire length to the right, long length to the left
Attach the left fan to the Left duct
Attach the right fan to the Right duct

5 Route wiring and install wire terminals into the connector housing

Route the long fan wire along the back of the mount, secure in place with a Ty wrap as shown, proper routing is critical

Connect Switch to the 16 pin connector at positions 11 & 12, connect to the switch terminals shown; route wires as shown Use: 2x- 190mm purple wire with terminals and Faston PIDGN connector

Attach Heat Sink Fan Duct to assembly Route wires into the duct channel as shown, secure duct to assembly Use: 1x- M3x 25 SHCS; 1x- M3 washer; ; tighten to 8 in-lbs (~.9 N-m)

Connect Switch to the 16 pin connector at position 8 for the blue wire and position 7 for the white wire.

Dual fan wire routing, route as shown to deflect the wiring as far as possible from the heater block
Connect the switch purple wires and route wires around the Right duct
Route the wires from the fans, switch, and hot end around to the front of the assembly; secure the wires between the extruder mount and the heat sink fan duct, secure the heat sink duct to the extruder mount
Extruder wiring connector positions

6 Install Panduit and Label connector

140) Attach Heat Sink fan to 16 position connector at position 10 for the black wire and position 9 for the red wire. Wrap 3/4” panduit (100mm length) around wires starting at the bottom of the connector and completing as far down the wire bundle as possible Secure the panduit to the wire bundle with one Ty Wrap; Position the Ty Wrap approximately where shown

150) Apply the Connect Up label onto the Pin 1 side of the connector nearest the pins extending from the connector

Install and align panduit with bottom of connector
Apply installation orientation label onto connector, label is to be applied to the Pin 1 side of the connector
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