Project Dashboard Hot End & Tool Head Assembly Long Block Hot End Kit Packaging Workflow

1 Gather tools and materials

Tools needed:

-M2 hex driver x1

Materials needed:

-E3D MOARstruder hot end (AS-HE0015) x1

-Zero Sense wire (AS-CB0010) x1

-Ground washer (HD-WA0035) x1

-M3x8 Steel BHCS (HD-BT0104) x1

-MOARstruder thermistor extension harness (AS-CB0014) x1

-Hexagon hot end kit, adaptor harness (EL-HR0072) x1

-Long Block hot end label (DC-LB0122) x1

-Polyethylene Foam (SH-PA0054) 1 foot

-Opah hot end mount plate (PP-MP0156) x1

-Polypropylene Bag (SH-PG0003) x2

-Indestructo Mailer (SH-PG0022) x1

-P65 Warning Label (DC-LB0174) x1

Tools needed
Materials needed

2 Attach Zero Sense

Attach the zero sense wire to the long block using the M3 steel BHCS and the ground washer.

The stuff
Screw in ring lug
Attaching zero sense
Zero sense attached, notice orientation

3 Bag extension and mount plate

Take the thermister extension harness (AS-CB0014) and place it in a bag (SH-PG0003) as shown. Place the mounting plate (PP-MP0156) into the bag next to the thermister harness as shown.

Thermister in bag
Mount plate in bag

4 Hot end bagged

Take the hot end (AS-HE0015) with the zero sense wire attached (AS-CB0010) and place it into a bag (SH-PG0003).

Hot end and bag
Hot end in bag

5 Wrap bags in foam

Take the bag with the thermister and mount plate, and take the bag with the hot end, place them both in the piece of foam (SH-PA0054) and role them both together in the foam.

Bags and foam
Thermister on foam
Both bags in foam
Bags rolled up in foam

6 Box up kit

Now that we have all of our materials in the foam, we can now place it in the box (SH-PG0022) and wrap the label around the box. Make sure when placing the label on the box to line up the "cut here" line with the opening of the box. Place [DC-LB0174] on the dotted line as shown.

Outside box
Inside box
Box with label
Start label here
Wrap label
Wrap label
Fully wrapped
Done! Take me home