Project Dashboard Accessories and Upgrades LulzBot TAZ Pro S Long Bed Guides Long Bed Unboxing Guide Workflow

1 Before Starting

It is recommended for two people to handle and unbox the Long Bed to avoid damage.

You will need a box cutter or scissors to fully unbox the long bed.

Place the Long Bed box on the floor with the tape facing up.

Place the box on the floor with the tape facing up

2 Cut Both Sides

Using a box cutter or scissor cut the tape on both ends of the box.

Once the ends are open remove the piece of foam from both ends.

Cut both ends of the box
Remove the black foam from both ends

3 Push the Interior Cardboard out of the Box

Have one person hold the box in place while the second person pushes the interior cardboard out of the box.

Slide the interior cardboard out of the box

4 Open the top side of the Cardboard

Once the Interior cardboard is out of the box, open the top section of the cardboard to full unfold the interior cardboard.

Find the open here sticker
Unfold the interior cardboard

5 Cut the Clear Tape

Locate the clear tape that is securing the bubble wrap on each end of the long bed.

Using a box cutter or scissors cut the four pieces of tape.

Once the tape is cut unfold the bubble wrap.

Cut the tape then unfold the bubble wrap

6 Remove the Bed Harness and Bag of Bolts

On one side of the bed you will see the bed harness wrap in bubble wrap. Remove the bubble wrap and set the bed harness and bag of bolts a side for installation.

Then remove the empty bubble wrap from the other side of the bed.

Set a side the bed harness and bag of bolts, and remove the bubble wrap from the side of the bed

7 Cut the Cling Wrap and Remove Bubble Wrap

Using a box cutter or scissor cut the cling wrap that is wrapped around the bed. Be careful not to cut the wires connect to the bed heater.

Then remove the bubble wrap and read the information cards.

Make sure to read the information cards

8 Unboxing Completed

Before clearing packaging materials make sure you have the following items:

  • Long Bed Assembly
  • Bed Harness
  • Small Bag containing 3 Bolts

Be sure to read the installation guides for the BL Touch Adaptor Kit and the Long Bed System!

Unboxed Long Bed System

9 BL Touch Installation Guide

Read the BL Touch Installation instructions before installing the BL Touch to your LulzBot TAZ Pro S 3D desktop printer!

LulzBot TAZ Pro BL Touch Installation Workflow

10 Long Bed Installation Guide

Before Installing the Long Bed make sure your LulzBot TAZ Pro S has a BL Touch installed and working!

Read the Long Bed Installation instructions before installing the Long Bed to your LulzBot TAZ Pro S 3D desktop printer!

LulzBot TAZ Pro S Long Bed Installation Workflow

Done! Take me home