Project Dashboard TAZ Workhorse CB Sheetmetal Prep Workflow

1 Obtain Materials

You will need some painters tape, a dremel with a medium grit sanding cylinder, and the unprepared sheet metal.

what you need

2 Tape off section

Tape off a section equal to the size of the USB cutout, directly to the side of the USB cutout, as pictured.

area taped off

3 Sand off with dremel

Put on Safety Glasses!
Turn on the dremel to a medium speed.

Gently sand away the over-spray from the taped off section, using the tape as a guide.
Use very little pressure and make gentle passes back and forth until the taped off area is clean of powder coat over-spray.

Sanding off the over-spray

4 Remove tape

Remove the tape, and dab the area with the tape before discarding it to remove any sanding debris.

sanding complete
sanding complete, area clean
Done! Take me home